Dax Outlook 2015 W13

After scratching the 12’200 the Dax dow to 11’800 but on Friday managed to go back above 12’000.
The MACD is still bullish, the RSI is at 71 and the VDAX moved slightly up to 18.43.
With the last 3 candles a Morning Star Pattern was formed, putting a possible end to the little correction. The upward trend still prevails, although it seems to lose a bit momentum with the RSI breaking through its own upward trend. Another correction down to 11’800 would be healthy and not endanger the uptrend but, although the Morning Star indicates against a further correction. Let’s see…
Support: 11’800, 11’600, 11’200, 10’800, 10’570, 10’320, 10’000, 9’930Â Resistance: 12’200